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Xurli SMARTemail™ is the must have for closing sales!

Xurli Smart Email Marketing


What is email marketing and how can you profit from it?

An email marketing strategy should be  part of your overall marketing strategy  and business plan. It helps you market your products and services with the use of the email channel with the best chances for making a profit and reaching your goals.

If you are not utilizing email marketing, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

The first email was sent in 1971. Since the introduction of the world wide web in the 1990’s,  billions and billions of dollars have flowed to business owners that have had a strong and well thought out email strategy for their small business.

There are things to consider when building an effective email campaign:

  • How many emails per week is ideal?
  • Which day of the week and what time of the day is best for reaching the majority of your contacts?
  • What should the subject line say?
  • What is the most effective word count?
  • What should the content be?
  • How can you determine the best deliverability?

The list goes on and on.

Xurli’s Smart Email service covers all the bases. Our Smart Email specialist will put together a well thought out email marketing campaign tailored around your products and or services.

This is why it works:

  • Email is the #1 activity on the internet – even over using a search engine. It’s also the #1 activity on mobile devices.
  • The average office worker checks their email 30 times an hour.
  • The total number of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase to over 5.2 billion accounts by 2018 – a growth of more than 26%.
  • 72% of consumers say that email is their favored conduit of communication with companies they do business with. 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly, and 28% want them even more frequently.
  • Email marketing has been cited as the most effective digital channel for customer retention.
  • When asked which medium consumers would like to receive their updates with, 90% preferred an email newsletter.

Contact us today to see to get all the information on Xurli’s Smart Email services. You will be presently pleasantly surprised at just how affordable it is and how quickly you will see a return on your investment.

We are just an email or phone call away.


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